Teriyaki chicken is one of the most popular Japanese dishes. The teriyaki flavor, made with soy sauce, sugar, sake, and mirin(sweet sake), is a favorite of both children and adults.

By following the grilling tips, you can make a tender chicken with a savory flavor. Furthermore, seasonal vegetables and leeks are grilled together in the tasty chicken fat.

The curry flavor added to the teriyaki sauce makes it even more appetizing! It tastes good even when cold, so it can be used for lunch boxes and sandwiches. Bon appétit!

Ingredients(for 2 people)

Chicken thighs
1 piece(ca.300g)
Some Oil
【A】Soy sauce
1 1/2 tbsp.
1 1/2 tbsp.
1 tbsp.
1 tbsp.
【A】Curry powder
1/2 tsp.



Mix【A】 well.
Cut leeks into bite-size pieces. Cut zucchini into 1 cm thick slices.


Remove excess fat from the chicken thigh. Cut into the thick part with a knife. Season both sides with salt and pepper.


Before turning on the heat, add oil to the pan and place chicken skin-side down. Cook over medium-low heat until the skin is nicely browned (about 8 to 9 minutes). Put the vegetables around it and grill with the chicken fat.


When the skin side of the chicken is browned, turn the meat over and immediately reduce the heat to low. Cook until the meat is cooked through (about 2 minutes). Remove the vegetables as they cook.


Turn off the heat and thoroughly wipe off excess oil and fat with kitchen paper, then add 【A】. Turn on the heat again, and over medium heat, coat the chicken with 【A】. When well blended, remove the meat and cut it into bite-size pieces. Simmer the remaining sauce in the frying pan until it has thickened and pour it over the meat and vegetables.

Key Points

Chicken thighs should be take out of the refrigerator 15-30 minutes before cooking if possible. This will prevent uneven cooking. Also, stretching the skin before grilling will make looks the dish delicious. As for the vegetables, use whatever you like for each season.





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